产品名称: |
HH-624 毛细管柱测定细胞培养过程中苯乙烯单体、2-氯乙醇残留 |
产品型号: |
HH-624 |
品牌: |
1941 |
产品数量: |
产品单价: |
面议 |
日期: |
2023-03-31 |
HH-624 毛细管柱测定细胞培养过程中苯乙烯单体、2-氯乙醇残留的详细资料
本文件的方法于苯乙烯单体检出限约为0.5 μg/L,2-氯乙醇检出限为250 μg/L。
固定相:6 %腈bing基苯基 94 %二甲基聚硅氧烷,
应用: 细胞培养过程中苯乙烯单体、2-氯乙醇残留量测定gc-ms法

Determination of styrene monomer and 2-chloroethanol residues during cell culture using capillary column
Capillary column determination of styrene monomer and 2-chloroethanol residues during cell culture Details:
This document specifies a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the determination of styrene monomer and 2-chloroethanol residues during cell culture.
This document is applicable to the use and contact materials in the culture and preparation of various cell preparations, such as centrifuge tubes, pipettes, culture dishes, and cultures
Detection of migration of styrene monomer and 2-chloroethanol (ECH) from bottles, pore plates, etc. into culture medium.
The method in this document has a single detection limit of about 0.5 for styrene μ G/L, 2-chloroethanol detection limit is 250 μ g/L。
Name: Capillary Column
Stationary phase: 6% nitrile bing phenyl 94% dimethyl polysiloxane,
Specification: 60m * 0.25mm * 0.25um
Model: HH-624
Application: Determination of styrene monomer and 2-chloroethanol residues during cell culture by GC-MS
Capillary column determination of styrene monomer and 2-chloroethanol residues during cell culture: