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产品名称: TDX-01填充柱 MT 137.1-1986 矿井空气中有害气体.一氧化碳测定填充柱
产品型号: TDX-01填充柱
品牌: 1941
产品单价: 面议
日期: 2022-08-13

TDX-01填充柱 MT 137.1-1986 矿井空气中有害气体.一氧化碳测定填充柱的详细资料

MT 137.1-1986 矿井空气中有害气体.一氧化碳测定填充柱
MT 137.1-1986 矿井空气中有害气体.一氧化碳测定填充柱 详细信息:



应用:MT 137.1-1986 矿井空气中有害气体一氧化碳测定方法

一氧化碳 (carbon monoxide, CO)纯品为无色、无臭、无刺激性的气体。在水中的溶解度甚低,但易溶于氨水。一氧化碳进入人体之后会和血液中的血红蛋白结合,进而使血红蛋白不能与氧气结合,从而引起机体组织出现缺氧,导致人体窒息死亡。因此一氧化碳具有毒性。常见于家庭居室通风差的情况下,煤炉产生的煤气或液化气管道漏气或工业生产煤气以及矿井中的一氧化碳吸入而致中毒。


MT 137.1-1986 矿井空气中有害气体.一氧化碳测定填充柱  测试谱图:

MT 137.1-1986 Harmful gases in the air of mines. Packed column for the determination of carbon monoxide
MT 137.1-1986 Harmful gases in mine air. Packed columns for the determination of carbon monoxide Details:

Name: Packed Column

Stationary phase: carbon molecular sieve, 60-80 mesh
Specifications: 1m*3mm inner diameter

Model: TDX-01
Application: MT 137.1-1986 Determination method of harmful gas carbon monoxide in mine air

Pure carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, non-irritating gas. The solubility in water is very low, but it is easily soluble in ammonia water. After carbon monoxide enters the human body, it will combine with hemoglobin in the blood, so that hemoglobin cannot combine with oxygen, thus causing hypoxia in the body tissues, resulting in suffocation and death of the human body. So carbon monoxide is toxic. Commonly in the case of poor ventilation in the family room, gas or liquefied gas pipeline leakage from coal stoves or industrial production gas and carbon monoxide in mines cause poisoning.

Haohan Chromatography (Shandong) Application Technology Development Co., Ltd. keeps pace with the times and develops gas chromatography, TDX-01 packed column, and methane reformer for the determination of harmful gases in mine air. Carbon monoxide is quantified by area external standard method, and the results are satisfactory.

MT 137.1-1986 Harmful gases in mine air. Packed column for determination of carbon monoxide Test spectrum: