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产品名称: 5Å+TDX-01填充柱 WST 173-1999 作业场所空气中一氧化碳的气相色谱测定方法
产品型号: 5Å+TDX-01填充柱
品牌: 1941
产品单价: 面议
日期: 2022-08-13

5Å+TDX-01填充柱 WST 173-1999 作业场所空气中一氧化碳的气相色谱测定方法的详细资料

WST 173-1999 作业场所空气中一氧化碳的气相色谱测定方法
WST 173-1999 作业场所空气中一氧化碳的气相色谱测定方法 详细信息:

WST 173-1999 作业场所空气中一氧化碳的气相色谱测定方法
应用:WST 173-1999 作业场所空气中一氧化碳的气相色谱测定方法



WST 173-1999 Method for the determination of carbon monoxide in workplace air by gas chromatography
WST 173-1999 Method for the determination of carbon monoxide in workplace air by gas chromatography Details:

WST 173-1999 Method for the determination of carbon monoxide in workplace air by gas chromatography
Name: Packed Column
Specifications: 1.2m*3mm 5A+0.8m*3mm TDX-01
Application: WST 173-1999 Method for the determination of carbon monoxide in workplace air by gas chromatography

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a ubiquitous pollutant in the air. In order to improve the environment and protect human health, CO is an important measurement item in environmental monitoring work. Research on measurement methods has a history of decades. Gravimetric method, volumetric method, spectrophotometry, electrochemical method developed to gas chromatography, infrared method..

Haohan Chromatography (Shandong) Application Technology Development Co., Ltd. used the GC- methane reformer special chromatograph produced by Haohan to analyze the CO in the air. Area external standard method quantification, and the results were satisfactory.