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产品名称: HH-CH4-GC 便携式甲烷转化炉安装在安捷伦8890
产品型号: HH-CH4-GC
品牌: 1941
产品单价: 面议
日期: 2021-11-17

HH-CH4-GC 便携式甲烷转化炉安装在安捷伦8890的详细资料

便携式甲烷转化炉安装在安捷伦8890 详细信息:

K.Porten 和 D.H.Volman 在1962年介绍了将 CO,CO_2,H_2等催化还原生成甲烷后用FID 进行检测。Johns 和 Thompson 进一步证实了这一方法,并测定了每种气体的操作参数,近年来,甲烷化装置经不断发展和改进,在性能上有所提高,安装方便。

浩瀚色谱(山东)应用技术开发有限公司研制的HH-CH4-GC便携式 系列通用 GC 甲烷化装置设计合理,结构简单,一体化,具有进样系统,色谱柱分离系统,加热系统,气路系统,用户独立完成安装,调试,效率高。



便携式甲烷转化炉安装在安捷伦8890 测试谱图:

Portable methane reformer installed in Agilent 8890
The portable methane reformer is installed on the Agilent 8890. Details:

In 1962, K. Porten and D. H. Volman introduced the catalytic reduction of CO, CO_2, H_2 to methane and then FID detection. Johns and Thompson further confirmed this method and determined the best operating parameters for each gas. In recent years, the methanation device has been continuously developed and improved, with improved performance and easy installation.

The HH-CH4-GC portable series universal GC methanation device developed by Haohan Chromatography (Shandong) Application Technology Development Co., Ltd. has reasonable design, simple structure, and integration. It has a sampling system, a chromatographic column separation system, a heating system, and a gas path system. The user independently completes the installation and commissioning with high efficiency.

It is easy to carry, and can be interconnected with all specifications and models of gas chromatographs. It has been successfully installed on Shimadzu GC-2010 and Agilent 7890B with good results.

Haohan Chromatography, a unique product,

The portable methane reformer is installed on the Agilent 8890 test spectrum: