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产品名称: 5Å-3m*3mm 分子筛填充柱分析气体
产品型号: 5Å-3m*3mm
品牌: 1941
产品单价: 面议
日期: 2025-02-24

5Å-3m*3mm 分子筛填充柱分析气体的详细资料

分子筛填充柱分析气体 详细信息:





分子筛填充柱分析气体 测试谱图:

Molecular Sieve Packed Column Analysis of Permanent Gas
Molecular Sieve Packed Column Analysis of Permanent Gas Details:

Name: Packed column

Specification: 3m*3mm

Model: 5Å

Haohan Chromatography (Shandong) Application Technology Development Co., Ltd. uses 5Å gas chromatography stationary phase. Its greatest advantage is that at room temperature, a single column can separate and analyze five mixed gases of H2, O2, N2, CO, and CH4 at the same time. The retention value is reproducible, the peak shape is symmetrical, and the column efficiency is high. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the above five gases, and the total average relative error of the quantitative results of the gas distribution is 3.67%. At the same time, this molecular sieve is easy to obtain, simple to manufacture, and costly. Cheap.

Molecular sieve packed column analysis permanent gas test spectrum: