产品名称: |
CH4 北京东西气相色谱仪用甲烷转化炉 |
产品型号: |
CH4 |
品牌: |
1941 |
产品数量: |
产品单价: |
面议 |
日期: |
2021-09-24 |
CH4 北京东西气相色谱仪用甲烷转化炉的详细资料
北京东西气相色谱仪用甲烷转化炉 详细信息:
K.Porten和D.V.Volman在1962年介绍了将CO,CO2,H2等催化还原生成甲烷后用氢火焰离子化检测器进行检测。Johns和Thomson进一步证实了这一方法, 并测定了每种气体的操作参数,目前气体中微量碳的分析方法有多种途径,但其中为简单快捷的是气相色谱中甲烷转化炉法。样品通过色谱柱实现组分的分离,在甲烷转化炉中由Ni(镍)触媒将分离的一氧化碳和二氧化碳加氢转化为甲烷,而后再通过氢焰检测器检出。
北京东西气相色谱仪用甲烷转化炉 测试谱图:

Methane Reformer for Beijing East-West Gas Chromatograph
Methane Reformer for Beijing East-West Gas Chromatograph Details:
In 1962, K. Porten and D.V. Volman introduced the catalytic reduction of CO, CO2, H2, etc. to methane, which was then detected by a hydrogen flame io
nization detector. Johns and Thomson further co
nfirmed this method and determined the best operating parameters for each gas. At present, there are many ways to analyze trace carbon in gas, but the simplest and fastest method is the methane reformer method in gas chromatography. The sample is separated by a chromatographic column. The separated carbon mo
noxide and carbon dioxide are hydrogenated into methane by Ni (nickel) catalyst in the methane reformer, and then detected by a hydrogen flame detector.
The traditio
nal methane reformer has a large volume, and it is very complicated to install on a gas chromatograph that has been sold out of the factory. It is time-co
nsuming and laborious. It must be co
nnected to the gas circuit, carrier gas, hydrogen, and the circuit and the chromatographic column. It cannot be installed and debugged independently, and requires the instrument manufacturer to install it on site, which is costly and limited in use.
Tengzhou Haohan Chromatography Instrument Technology Service Co., Ltd. keeps pace with the times and develops a new miniature CH4 methane reformer. It does not need to be installed by instrument manufacturers. Customers can operate, install, and debug independently. The efficiency is high. Carbon mo
noxide and carbon dioxide are effectively separated. satisfaction.
This kind of methane reformer does not affect the original analysis function of the instrument and has good compatibility.
Test spectrum of methane reformer for Beijing East-West gas chromatograph: