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产品名称: Molecular Sieve填充柱 乙异轻肪酸辐解产生氢气和一氧化碳
产品型号: Molecular Sieve填充柱
品牌: 1941
产品单价: 面议
日期: 2021-09-23

Molecular Sieve填充柱 乙异轻肪酸辐解产生氢气和一氧化碳的详细资料

乙异轻肪酸辐解产生氢气和一氧化碳 详细信息:

型号:Agilent Molsieve

滕州市浩瀚色谱仪器技术服务有限公司,用 0.5nm分子筛填充柱与热导型检测器(TCD)联用的气相色谱法定性定量分析了乙异轻肪酸水溶液辐 解产生的氢气和一氧化碳.结果表明:当乙异经肪酸浓度为0.1一0.5m ol/L,剂量为10一10 00k 份 时,氢气体积分数 与乙异经肪酸浓度的关系不大.当剂量低于500k 仰 时,氢气体积分数随剂量增大而增大,但当剂量大于500k 份 时,氢气体积分数与剂量的关系不明显 一 氧化碳只有在较高剂量时才产生,且体积分数很低 ,

乙异轻肪酸辐解产生氢气和一氧化碳 测试谱图:

Bismuth light fatty acid radiolysis produces hydrogen and carbon monoxide
Bismuth light fatty acid radiolysis produces hydrogen and carbon monoxide.

Stationary phase: molecular sieve
Particle size: 60-80 mesh
Specification: 6ft*1/8
Model: Agilent Molsieve
Application: O2, N2 separation, high column efficiency, good separation

Tengzhou Haohao Chromatography Instrument Technology Service Co., Ltd. quantitatively and quantitatively analyzed the hydrogen and carbon monoxide produced by the radiolysis of a solution of bis-dicarboxylic acid by gas chromatography with a 0.5 nm molecular sieve packed column and a thermal conductivity detector (TCD). It is indicated that when the concentration of B-dicarboxylic acid is 0.1-0.5m ol/L and the dose is 10-10 00k, the volume fraction of hydrogen has little relationship with the concentration of B-fatty acid. When the dose is lower than 500k, The volume fraction of hydrogen increases with increasing dose, but when the dose is greater than 500k, the relationship between the volume fraction of hydrogen and the dose is not obvious. Carbon monoxide is produced only at higher doses, and the volume fraction is very low.

Bismuth light acid acid radiolysis produces hydrogen and carbon monoxide test spectra: