GDX-104填充柱测定食品级CO2 图片:

GDX-104 packed column for determination of food grade CO2
GDX-104 packed column for determining food grade CO2 Details:
nary phase: polymeric porous sphere
Particle size: 0.17mm-0.25mm
Specifications: 1m*3mm, 3m*3mm
Material: glass or stainless steel
Application: GB 10621-2006 Food Additives Liquid Carbon Dioxide
GB 1886.228-2016 Natio
nal Food Safety Standards Food Additives Carbon Dioxide
Tengzhou Haohao Chromatography Instrument Technology Service Co., Ltd. uses GDX-104 packed column gas chromatography to determine the linearity and reproducibility of the column selection and method for the determination of oxygenated organic compounds and benzene and vinyl chloride in high purity carbon dioxide.
GDX-104 packed column for the determination of food grade CO2