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产品名称: GDX-502 大气中非甲烷烃的色谱测定法
产品型号: GDX-502
品牌: 1941
产品单价: 面议
日期: 2023-07-05

GDX-502 大气中非甲烷烃的色谱测定法的详细资料

大气中非甲烷烃的色谱测定法 详细信息:






非甲烷烃是光化学烟雾的重要监测项目之一,国外多采用色谱法测定,并有专用仪器生产,其流程大同小异,基本上是先通过一个空柱测定总烃,再经过一分离柱只测定甲烷,两者之差即非甲烷烃,以ppm CH_4表示结果。分离的方法有冷冻、反吹、吸附,选择燃烧和柱分离。实际上它测定的并不全是烃,而是包括了大气中所有能在氢火焰上给出响应的有机物。
滕州市浩瀚色谱仪器技术服务有限公司, 提出的非甲烷烃减量分析方法,载气为经催化除烃之空气。甲烷分离使用小填充量柱,并且加装了反吹系统.另外,检测器增加了尾吹。方法注意克服系统吸附,以使样品中各组分获得一致的保留时间,进而使峰高响应符合氢焰检测器的碳数响应规律。方法标准偏差为0.02,小检出浓度为0.02mg/M3,分析一次样品仅需2分钟。

大气中非甲烷烃的色谱测定法 图片:

Chromatographic determination of non-methane hydrocarbons in the atmosphere
Chromatographic determination of non-methane hydrocarbons in the atmosphere Details:

Stationary phase: polymer pellet
GDX-502, 2m*3mm, 2m*4mm, 2m*1/8, 60-80 mesh
Methane column

Total hydrocarbon column
2m*3mm, 2m*4mm, 2m*1/8, silanized glass microspheres

Non-methane hydrocarbons are one of the important monitoring projects for photochemical smog. Most of them are determined by chromatography and have special instruments. The process is similar. Basically, the total hydrocarbons are determined by an empty column, and then only a single column is used to measure methane. The difference between the two is non-methane hydrocarbon, and the result is expressed in ppm CH_4. Separation methods include freezing, backflushing, adsorption, selective combustion, and column separation. In fact, it does not measure all hydrocarbons, but includes all the organic matter in the atmosphere that gives a response on the hydrogen flame.
Tengzhou Haohao Chromatography Instrument Technology Service Co., Ltd. proposed a non-methane hydrocarbon reduction analysis method. The carrier gas is a catalytically decarbonized air. The methane separation uses a small packed column and is equipped with a backflush system. In addition, the detector adds a tail blow. The method pays attention to overcoming the adsorption of the system so that the components in the sample obtain a consistent retention time, so that the peak height response conforms to the carbon number response of the hydrogen flame detector. The standard deviation of the method was 0.02, the minimum detection concentration was 0.02 mg/M3, and it took only 2 minutes to analyze the sample once.

Chromatographic determination of non-methane hydrocarbons in the atmosphere