产品名称: |
HH-THC-30 高纯Ar气体中总烃的测定毛细管柱 |
产品型号: |
HH-THC-30 |
品牌: |
1941 |
产品数量: |
产品单价: |
面议 |
日期: |
2023-07-05 |
HH-THC-30 高纯Ar气体中总烃的测定毛细管柱的详细资料
高纯Ar气体中总烃的测定毛细管柱 详细信息:
应用: 环境空气和废气 总烃、甲烷和非甲烷总烃便携式监测仪技术要求及检测方法(HJ 1012-2018)
型号:HH-PLOT-Molecular sieve
应用:《固定污染源废气非甲烷总烃连续监测系统技术要求及检测方法(HJ 1013-2018)》
高纯Ar气体中总烃的测定毛细管柱 图片:

Determination of total hydrocarbons in high purity Ar gas
Determination of total hydrocarbons in high purity Ar gas Capillary column Details:
nary phase
Specification: 30m*0.53mm
Model: HH-THC-30
Applications: Ambient air and exhaust gases Technical requirements and test methods for portable mo
nitors for total hydrocarbons, methane and non-methane total hydrocarbons (HJ 1012-2018)
nary phase: modified molecular sieve
Specification: 30m*0.53mm*25um
Model: HH-PLOT-Molecular sieve
Application: Technical Requirements and Test Methods for Co
ntinuous Mo
nitoring System for Non-Methane Total Hydrocarbons from Fixed Sources of Waste Gas (HJ 1013-2018)
Hydrocarbons are widely found in industry and daily life. They bring certain benefits to people's lives, but also have problems such as polluting the environment, flammable and explosive. If a certain amount of hydrocarbons are mixed in a high-purity gas, it will not o
nly affect the normal use of high-purity gas, but also pose a threat to life safety in serious cases. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the total hydrocarbons in high-purity gas to co
ntrol The quality of the product reduces the hazard.
The meaning of "total hydrocarbon" In organic chemistry, the definition of hydrocarbon refers to a compound composed o
nly of two elements of hydrocarbon, and the alkane, alkene, alkyne, and benzene compound belong to a hydrocarbon. Alcohols, aldehydes, acids, esters, keto
nes and the like do not belong to hydrocarbons because they co
ntain heteroatoms. In fact, the current total hydrocarbon analyzer has a strong respo
nse to the above compounds. So, can we replace the total hydrocarbons with the co
ncept of total organic compounds?
Tengzhou Haohao Chromatography Instrument Technology Service Co., Ltd. used a capillary column to determine the co
ntent of hydrocarbons (total hydrocarbons) in high-purity argon gas with satisfactory results.
Determination of Total Hydrocarbons in High Purity Ar Gas Capillary Columns